11 March 2012
The Idle Marches
03/16/12 01:42
It was a dark and squirrelly night.
Never mind.
I’ve been working on some things that aren’t songs for patcasting, and that’s made my output slim and dreadful. What’s odd about that is how much music i’ve been playing lately. I had as show with Amnesty Road last month, and one with Bag of Focus this month, and I was in the opening band for that, too. So, yeah, busy enough. But I’ve still been making music. I’m adding a couple of jams to this site, and an instrumental. The title comes from a Frank Zappa interview in which he discusses how the money spent on making tritium could greatly improve the musical culture in the United States. Tritium, as you know, is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen with a mass approximately three times that of the usual isotope. The instrumental contained herein has three guitar solos with the same acoustic and bass backing looped around to accommodate the solos. Also, three improvised keyboard things that seemed like a good idea at the time (but I will probably live to regret). Tritium, get it? And that’s why I don’t explain my song titles.

In other news, I have a new guitar, a Chinese-made Modern Player Telecaster that makes me very happy. That’s where the jams came from, that happiness. I’m still trying to name it, so any suggestions will be considered with gravitas and some sort of Rockstar (GAH! Their website looks worse than mine… so much Flash!). I didn’t use it on Tritium for lots of reasons, most of them variations on not wanting to tune it up to standard. Anyway, the music’s somewhere around here. Go nuts. I did.

Never mind.
I’ve been working on some things that aren’t songs for patcasting, and that’s made my output slim and dreadful. What’s odd about that is how much music i’ve been playing lately. I had as show with Amnesty Road last month, and one with Bag of Focus this month, and I was in the opening band for that, too. So, yeah, busy enough. But I’ve still been making music. I’m adding a couple of jams to this site, and an instrumental. The title comes from a Frank Zappa interview in which he discusses how the money spent on making tritium could greatly improve the musical culture in the United States. Tritium, as you know, is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen with a mass approximately three times that of the usual isotope. The instrumental contained herein has three guitar solos with the same acoustic and bass backing looped around to accommodate the solos. Also, three improvised keyboard things that seemed like a good idea at the time (but I will probably live to regret). Tritium, get it? And that’s why I don’t explain my song titles.

In other news, I have a new guitar, a Chinese-made Modern Player Telecaster that makes me very happy. That’s where the jams came from, that happiness. I’m still trying to name it, so any suggestions will be considered with gravitas and some sort of Rockstar (GAH! Their website looks worse than mine… so much Flash!). I didn’t use it on Tritium for lots of reasons, most of them variations on not wanting to tune it up to standard. Anyway, the music’s somewhere around here. Go nuts. I did.