Marillion in Chicago
06/27/12 00:20 Filed in: Photos

So I went after them.
The two Chicago shows (June 21–22) were completely fantastic, and I brought my camera to the second night. Here are 20% of the pictures I took (a pretty good ratio, considering I wasn’t using the ideal lens for the job). Here’s hoping Marillion releases the Chicago shows for download…

By the way, I realize most of these shots are of Steve Hogarth, the frontman, with Pete Trewavas (bass master) and occasionally Mark Kelly (keyboard wizard) in view. It was my vantage point (no room to move in that crowd), and Steve Rothery was all the way on stage left with his Jack Dent guitars while Ian Mosley was barricaded behind his drum kit. Couldn’t be helped. Send me to another show and I’ll rectify the situation.
Oh, and the two pictures on this page were from the first night, using my iPhone 4S. Move along, please.